Interior Design Trends for 2020

Are you planning to update your home this year? Check out the interior design trends set to take 2020 by storm for inspiration.

Blue is the New Grey

Grey has dominated interior design for years with its simple and clean look, however, its time for a shake up with the new focus on blue. Pantone’s Colour of the Year in 2020 is called Classic Blue, and as you might expect, is a great choice for a very classic blue. It’s clean and elegant whilst still being uplifting and surprisingly easy to incorporate into your home.

Sophisticated Pink Palette

The thought of decorating your room pink might make you feel like a child again, but pink is back. Now pink is a tricky colour to ensure you don’t look like you’ve designed your house on Barbie’s Dream House. Choose blush tones and muted pinks with a matte finish.

Calm and Tranquil

The Dulux Colour of the Year for 2020 is Tranquil Dawn. Without seeing the colour, it might sound a neutral beige; however, its actually a green! Albeit, possibly the most neutral and soft green you could imagine, but green nevertheless. The truly wonderful think about ‘Tranquil Dawn’ is this colour is a chameleon to palettes. If you want to bring out the cooler side of the green, pair with steely greys or if you want to soften the colour add creams and light pinks.

Disco Inferno

Interior design is looking back into 70s style! Don’t get worried with memories of avocado bathrooms and orange and brown floral wallpaper. Interior design is used touches of nostalgia through colours, shapes, and textures for the ultimate retro look. Warmer colours such as oranges, yellows, and rusty reds are making a comeback with other touches such as animal prints and leopard print. This retro style is a development of the boho style interiors.

Make a Statement

We’re used to seeing statement walls, but have you ever considered a statement ceiling? Try painting your ceiling in a colour that contrast you walls or even go super bold and use wallpaper! Even if you are working with a smaller room, by painting your ceiling the same colour you can actually make the room look much larger.

What 2020 interior design trend are you going to try?

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